Tuesday, April 19, 2011

cool news.

                                  Hi all. 
Well, I am down 39 pounds since giving birth to my second child!!!  It's crazy how well I am doing!  I am very pleased that I'm finally dropping some weight...it seems this last month I haven't done very well, but it seems to be getting better now.  :)  I'm keeping track of my food and my exercise on http://www.myfitnesspal.com/.  it's an amazing site and I really LOVE it!!!!

It really makes me stop and think about what I'm going to eat and sometimes I even decide it's not worth it...like muffins..for example.  lol  It does take some advanced planning though to know what I am going to have for certain meals so I have something to work around. 

Anyways, this weekend I am doing my very first 5km walk for a local organization.  I'm looking forward to it.  My mom is coming down to watch the boys while Chris and I do it!  It's very exciting!  Than we are making our easter turkey dinner.  My sister is even coming down to do the walk with me.  Isn't that great?  We are really close, she and I.  Being that we don't see each other all that much, it's a big deal whenever we do get together.  :)

Well that is all for now.  Leave a note if u like.


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