Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hi everyone!

I hope u all had a great easter!  I did.  First I did my first 5km race on saturday morning while my mom watched the boys.  Than we had a turkey dinner which was really yummy and complete with pie!  Sunday is when the bunny comes and he went all out!  Paul got toys and slippers pjs and chocolate.  Daniel got two outfits slippers and a stuffed bunny.  They did pretty well!!!!  We didn't do anything too exciting sunday but watched a marathon of Big bang theory on tv.  It rocked! I love that show!

My next goal is to do a 10k race.  It involves chocolate somehow but I'm pretty excited about it. It's at the end of august so I figure that's lots of time to get prepared to do it!  I'm kinda liking this stuff...it gives me a break from my kids and it's also really healthy for me!  So win-win.

My website is doing okay.  Still haven't made any money from it yet, but I did do some advertising and I believe they are sending like 120 visitors to my site an hour so that's pretty cool.  Probably will take about 3.5 days...so I'm hoping that I can start making some money soon!!!

I am really liking being on maternity leave!  I don't wanna go back to work.  Luckily, I still have 7 months left of it!  :)

that's it for now.  :)


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