Saturday, January 24, 2009

Building things are FUN

So, we have returned from our Ikea outing today. It was fun times....lots of crowds and things. We met Doug and Jonathan there and they helped us load and unload our parcils. Now, they are busy putting together and entertainment thingy that appears to be difficult. Oh keeps them out of my hair..haha. Paul is napping. He was soooo good shopping. Then Doug took us all out for lunch which was very yummy. Paul ate about a quarter of his meal, but that's alright.

I'm glad to be off today....normally, I work most weekends, but I have every 4th weekend off, and this just happens to be one of them. Plus, it's a nice day today which is awsome...puts my mood up.

I am joining curves. I think i am going on monday or tuesday...depending to actually sign up. It should be fun. :)

I'm very excited.

that is all :)

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