Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday madness

Hello world!

It's monday. I'm not feeling super great...I think I have the startings of a cold coming on...but not sure's all in my throat and chest and just a tad in my nose...My son is not feeling well either...poor little guy. childrens tylanol is amazing. I love the stuff for him. I am currently letting him have a pj day. It's rare for me to allow him to have one...Chris does it with him on weekends that he's home but I always make him get dressed for the day, but because he's not feeling super great, I thought it would be a nice treat.

He's currently watching "big big world" on tv and trying to get into our new cupboard that houses things...haha. Chris is at work and reports that the ppl who got Paul's haircut are the ones responsible for getting paul sick...bastards :P lol

I am currently waiting for the mail to come. I am expecting some kind of box thingy from the cable company. I have to sign for it so I am home. fun times. actually, I am kinda excited about u know we have teletoon retro now! it's awsome. we watched "smurfs" and "bugs bunny" and "scooby doo" yesterday. very cool :)

Anyways, that's my news.....Leave a note if u wish :)

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