Sunday, January 25, 2009


SO, I have't quite figured this out yet so my actual entry is like on the bottom for some reason, so my pics are on top:

so here is a pic of Chris trying to teach paul how to suck thru a straw while on break at work:

Here is a pic of chris and I and for some reason I have my eyes closed.

Paul being cute and me not realizing i was in the pic

Paul playing with his nose:

Paul walking across the couch but pausing long enough to give us all a smile. world famous :)

Hello People

It's sunday today. Chris and I got our things put together that we bought yesterday. They look wonderful. The living room looks a bit more grown up now. there are a few things I still need to take care of, in terms of making it look better but they don't cost any money so that rocks all the socks.

Paul may be getting sick...I am upset that he may be getting sick...I know its not his fault and I know there isn't anything I can do about it, but I am still upset regardless. I love my little guy and i don't like seeing him uncomfortable. poor little guy. It probably explains why he was up so late last night.

Jonathan and Doug left right after they got everything put together...which for some reason unknown to me, chris didn't catch that part and was quite upset that they left. He wanted to spend some time with them afterwards...but whatever. I didn't mind them being gone. I got the sense that Doug wasn't all that interested in being here anyways...he really wasn't into it....that's the feeling I got anyways.

I still have my mcfreezy thingy from McD's that I haven't eaten's smartee..I may havfe that in a minute...I'm getting snackish and I have to have it before paul wakes up...or I won't get any..haha.

Anyways, I have nothing interesting to here are some pics :)

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