Friday, January 30, 2009


Hello world,

I used to think that I had patience. I thought it was even one of my strong suits. I have come to discover, since having a child...that I do NOT have much patience. Definately NOT a strong suit of mine 'tis sad really...I feel bad for my hubby and son, when I come home from work and snap at my husband and get upset when my son does things that I don't find appropriate, yet forgetting that he IS just 19 months will be kids...I expect too much. I know this.

Patience....I really need to work on this....or my son will grow up remembering his mom doing nothing but yelling over every little thing that in the big picture means nothing. I mean, who really is going to care that there is a sink full of dishes? who is really going to care if my son's toys are all over the place and he eats a bit later than he normally does? I seriously need a reality check. I want my baby to love me when he grows up and to want to spend time with me when he grows up....I worry that I am not providing that....b/c I focus so much on all the other things then taking the time to play wiht my son...dishes can wait. all things can wait so I am around to see my son do all those great things....

Patience is really a virtue.

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