Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dentist visits are EVIL....

Hello fellow followers.

I just got back from my dentist appointment to get my front teeth filled finally after having a growing cavity for some time. Don't care ot write how long, but long enough. haha. Regardless, I this is the first time I have gone to the dentist in which they put freezing in me and THEN asked me to get an x-ray's an experience getting an xray done with ur mouth frozen. I highly suggest u try it. haha.

during my dental experience, I got to hear all about a really nice 5 day cruise my dentist had that left Florida or something that was cost effective if u didn't drink alcohol. lol (oh and he didn't even get motion sickness! how charming). My appointment lasted a glorious hour and a half with me literally clutching the sides of the chair in a death grip that left my hands almost incompaisitated for quite some time afterwards. haha.

Also, this is the first time in my adult life that I had to have a dental dam put in to fix cavities. I hate this said dam. It's evil in the first degree. The dentist put something on the roof of my mouth to I guess hold said dental dam that literally DUG into the roof of my mouth. It remains quite sore after all these hours...uurgh. AND something with the freezing has affected the inside of my nose. IF! *i know*

I have to go back in TWO weeks approximately, to get another hour and a half of torture done. Should be fun....always charming going there....haha!

Now, I am sending my mom thoughts adn good vibes as she sees the eye doctor so she won't have to get glasses!!!!!!! *crosses fingers for her continued good fortune of seeing well*******

That's all my news at present....

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