Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big World


there is this kid show called "its a big world" on tv. Paul just loves it...It has animals and it's on just after sesame street...he really only pays attention to the opening music of all shows but its' so funny to watch how it catches his attention.

So, things are going alright here. I only have to work one day this week which is nice. I appreciate the time off. My birthday was a bit disappointing...but Chris is trying to redeem himself in my he bought me season 1 of friends b/c I said I wanted to start collecting them, and that was my gift from paul. Chris gave me a gift certificate for a manicure adn pedicure. I'm pretty excited about that. Then this weekend coming up, Chris and I are going out for dinner and a movie of MY choice. Very exciting. Jonathan and Jordan are coming over for the weekend to watch paul while we go out...not sure why they have to be here the whole weekend but whatever, I'm excited and I like those it's all good :)

Paul is almost walking! I mean he is taking steps alone on his own...but only a few at a time...but it's a start and we are SOOO proud of our little man. He's so smart!

Anyways, that's my news...Leave a note if u want.

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