Friday, February 13, 2009

what a weird night

Hellos world

SO weird night last night. I still didn't sleep all that well, however, it still ended up being better than I have slept in a week...haha. Regardless, I went to bed around 10:30pm. I woke up at midnight, and Chris was just coming to bed but Paul was crying so Chris went to check on him. Afew minutes later, Chris asked me to come look at something...and when I did...poor Paul had vomited what looked like juice all over his sheets and pjs :( poor thing. We felt awful, bc we didn't hear Paul do that. Regardless, Chris changed the bedding and I put new pjs on paul and we cuddled till the bed was done. poor guy. He was a bit scared I think. What we think happeend, was Chris said when he went in, Paul had had a huge BM (which he'd been trying to take all day). So that smell had overpowered the room so chris didn't see or smell the vomit at first. Regardless, we think that Paul strained so hard to have that Bm that he vomited. (he's done it before...not at night, but he has done it before).

So, we get him all ready and settled back into bed and that's fine. Chris and I are then in bed and I'm trying to sleep and Chris is coughing and coughing because he forgot to take his medicine before bed so after an hour, he decides to finally go and get the medicine. He's gone for quite some time, and when he comes back, I ask if he's okay, and he tells me he was vomiting :( So, I'm trying to figure out what it was that they ate that I didn't eat...haha. Chris feels that his was due to the lots of coughing....bc he said he felt fine whatever....

It took me a while to get to sleep after that...but I did manage it. Everyone slept fine after that. This morning, Chris went off to work and I got paul dressed and then took his sheets downstairs to wash them and he's all set. Paul's eaten just fine today and is playing normal and what have I think all is well in that dept.


I have to run...I am not sure what paul is getting into but it sounds questionable....

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