Monday, February 23, 2009


what is the big deal with chicken people...I mean really?

all I did was ask if my husband, could please and thank u, go downstairs and bring up some frozen chicken so I could thaw it overnight to use for dinner tomorrow....that's simple and he freaked out and was all, "u can do it" crap. gawd. seriously...what's the big's CHICKEN. burg.

He finally did go and get it...eventually but geeze.



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big World


there is this kid show called "its a big world" on tv. Paul just loves it...It has animals and it's on just after sesame street...he really only pays attention to the opening music of all shows but its' so funny to watch how it catches his attention.

So, things are going alright here. I only have to work one day this week which is nice. I appreciate the time off. My birthday was a bit disappointing...but Chris is trying to redeem himself in my he bought me season 1 of friends b/c I said I wanted to start collecting them, and that was my gift from paul. Chris gave me a gift certificate for a manicure adn pedicure. I'm pretty excited about that. Then this weekend coming up, Chris and I are going out for dinner and a movie of MY choice. Very exciting. Jonathan and Jordan are coming over for the weekend to watch paul while we go out...not sure why they have to be here the whole weekend but whatever, I'm excited and I like those it's all good :)

Paul is almost walking! I mean he is taking steps alone on his own...but only a few at a time...but it's a start and we are SOOO proud of our little man. He's so smart!

Anyways, that's my news...Leave a note if u want.

Friday, February 13, 2009

what a weird night

Hellos world

SO weird night last night. I still didn't sleep all that well, however, it still ended up being better than I have slept in a week...haha. Regardless, I went to bed around 10:30pm. I woke up at midnight, and Chris was just coming to bed but Paul was crying so Chris went to check on him. Afew minutes later, Chris asked me to come look at something...and when I did...poor Paul had vomited what looked like juice all over his sheets and pjs :( poor thing. We felt awful, bc we didn't hear Paul do that. Regardless, Chris changed the bedding and I put new pjs on paul and we cuddled till the bed was done. poor guy. He was a bit scared I think. What we think happeend, was Chris said when he went in, Paul had had a huge BM (which he'd been trying to take all day). So that smell had overpowered the room so chris didn't see or smell the vomit at first. Regardless, we think that Paul strained so hard to have that Bm that he vomited. (he's done it before...not at night, but he has done it before).

So, we get him all ready and settled back into bed and that's fine. Chris and I are then in bed and I'm trying to sleep and Chris is coughing and coughing because he forgot to take his medicine before bed so after an hour, he decides to finally go and get the medicine. He's gone for quite some time, and when he comes back, I ask if he's okay, and he tells me he was vomiting :( So, I'm trying to figure out what it was that they ate that I didn't eat...haha. Chris feels that his was due to the lots of coughing....bc he said he felt fine whatever....

It took me a while to get to sleep after that...but I did manage it. Everyone slept fine after that. This morning, Chris went off to work and I got paul dressed and then took his sheets downstairs to wash them and he's all set. Paul's eaten just fine today and is playing normal and what have I think all is well in that dept.


I have to run...I am not sure what paul is getting into but it sounds questionable....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Guess What!

Hello everyone....
Guess what!!!!!!

U totally will not believe it when I tell u....u will be in such shock by this u won't even know what to say or how to react. So get prepared...r u prepared....okay but remember I warned u....

MY BABY CAN WALK!!!!!!!!! isn't that exciting! Finally, he can walk. He's 20 months old. What a smart little boy. We have video to prove it too. (I have to upload it first, but it's there I tell ya).

So my babes, is soooo smart. I'm sooo proud of him!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

1:30am...and counting

Well, I am STILL awake. Not sure for how much longer though....gah. I am soooo tired. Chris has been in bed since 11:30pm. I've watched family guy 3 episodes and married with children. Fun times. I just wrote a huge long thing, and it just deleated on me...I am sooo pissed. gah. I am hoping to stay up till between 2 and 3am. That's probably the best I am going to do. Luckily, my mom, whom I love to pieces, is coming over to watch paul while I sleep. I love her. I have no idea how people do awake night shifts. My mom and FIL did it for years...and it was fine for them at the time....but I just don't do that. This is a first for me...and will probably be my last agreeable night shift that I ever do awake. I am suppose to work from 8pm tomorrow to noon on sunday. awake. (did I mention that already?). haha.

Anyways, that's my news...I realize I am starting NOT to make any I will finish this now...before I say something weird. lol

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dentist visits are EVIL....

Hello fellow followers.

I just got back from my dentist appointment to get my front teeth filled finally after having a growing cavity for some time. Don't care ot write how long, but long enough. haha. Regardless, I this is the first time I have gone to the dentist in which they put freezing in me and THEN asked me to get an x-ray's an experience getting an xray done with ur mouth frozen. I highly suggest u try it. haha.

during my dental experience, I got to hear all about a really nice 5 day cruise my dentist had that left Florida or something that was cost effective if u didn't drink alcohol. lol (oh and he didn't even get motion sickness! how charming). My appointment lasted a glorious hour and a half with me literally clutching the sides of the chair in a death grip that left my hands almost incompaisitated for quite some time afterwards. haha.

Also, this is the first time in my adult life that I had to have a dental dam put in to fix cavities. I hate this said dam. It's evil in the first degree. The dentist put something on the roof of my mouth to I guess hold said dental dam that literally DUG into the roof of my mouth. It remains quite sore after all these hours...uurgh. AND something with the freezing has affected the inside of my nose. IF! *i know*

I have to go back in TWO weeks approximately, to get another hour and a half of torture done. Should be fun....always charming going there....haha!

Now, I am sending my mom thoughts adn good vibes as she sees the eye doctor so she won't have to get glasses!!!!!!! *crosses fingers for her continued good fortune of seeing well*******

That's all my news at present....